V2: Repetition
V3: Little Red Book, Video
V4: Like It Rough, Video
V5: Repetition
V6: Never & Forever, Video
V7: Love Trick, Video
V8: Tush Push, Video
V9: Repetition
V10: Ingen kurs. Gemensam dans i Folkets Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22
V11: El Ombliguito, Video + Piece of cake
V12: Purple 16, Video
V13: Påsklov
V14: Irish Stew, Video
V15: Repetition
V16: Say Hey Love, Video
V17: Repetition
V2: Rep.
V3: El Ombliguito, video
V4: Rep. (1 2 3 Waltz)
V5: Rep. (Cowgirls Twist)
V6: Rep.
V7: Seduced (Precious Time)
V8: Rep.
V9: Rep.
V10: Ingen kurs. Gemensam dans i Folkets Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22
V11: Tush Push, video
V12: Rep.
V13: Irish Stew, video
V14: Rep.
V15: Say Hey Love, video
V2: Repetition
V3: I love you because, Video
V4: My New Life, Video
V5: Repetition
V6: Toes, Video
V7: Repetition
V8: Seduced, Video
V9: Repetition
V10: Ingen kurs. Gemensam dans i Folket Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22.
V11: When Will You Be Mine?, Video
V12: Wave on Wave, Video
V13: Repetition
V14: Påsklov
V15: Stitch it up, Video
V16: Irish Stew, Video
V17: Repetition
V2: El Ombliguito, video
V3: Rep.
V4: Seduced, video
V5: Rep.
V6: Toes, video
V7: Rep.
V8: Rep.
V9: Rep.
V10: Ingen kurs, Gemensam dans i Folkets Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22.
V11: Rep
V12: Romance, video
V13: Irish Stew, video
V2: Repetition
V3: Chill Factor, Video
V4: Speak With Your Heart, Video
V5: Repetition
V6: Time To Play, Video
V7: Repetition
V8: Walking In The Rain, Video
V9: Tisdag den 2/3 Casanova Cowboy, Video
Onsdag inställt
V10: Onsdag den 10/3 Casanova Cowboy
Ingen kurs. Gemensam dans i Folkets Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22.
V11: Repetition
V12: Rah-Rah Ooh La La, Video
V13: Bobbi With An I, Video
V14: Påsklov
V15: Repetition
V16: Nothing Left, Video
V17: Repetition
V2: Broken Heels, video
V3: One Love, video
V4: Rep.
V5: (And I Love You So)
V6: Wild, Teachvideo
V7: Rep.
V8: Get On Down, video
V9: Regresa, video
V10: Ingen kurs. Gemensam dans i Folkets Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22.
V11: Rep.
V12: Every Now And Then, Bonus: Bobbi With An I, video
V13: I Love Lucy, video
V14: Påsklov
V15: Rep.
V16: Latin Crazy, video Bonusdans månd: Hey Soul Sister, video
V17: Rep.
V2: Rep.
V3: NY Cha, Video
V4: Rep.
V5: Walk With Me, Video
V6: Rep.
V7: Respect Yourself, Video
V8: Rep.(Destination Dancefloor)
V9: Tic Tok Don't Stop, video utlärn, Video dans
V10: Ingen kurs. Gemensam dans i Folkets Hus, Tors 11/3, kl 18-22.
V11: Rep.
V12: Change, video 1, video 2
V13: Rep.
V14: Påsklov
V15: Oh Ruby, video
V 17:
Torsdag 18.30-20.00, Instruktör: Ulla Roselin
V 35: Easy Fun, video + California Freeze, video + Money, Money, Money,video
V36: Lindi Shuffle, Video + Mamma Maria, Video
V37: Rep.
V38: J Ho AB, Video
V39: First Cha, Video
V40: Volare, Video
V41: Gemensam dans för alla grupper i Folkets Hus, 14 oktober 18-22.
V42: Rep.
V43: 1-2-3 Waltz, Video
V44: Country Walking, Video
V45: Rep.
V46: Peaches & Creme, Video
V47: Rep.
Forts 1 dag
Tisdag 14.00-15.30, Instruktör: Erland Blixt
V 35: Rep.
V36: Hello Dolly, Video
V37: Rep.
V38: Rep.
V39: Chachanela, Video. Bonus: Just Dreamin Away, Video
V40: Rep.
V41: Gemensam dans för alla grupper i Folkets Hus, 14 oktober kl 18-22
V42: The Moon Dance, Video + Time For Rodeo
V43: Inställt
V44: Rep.
V45: EZ Swing Contra, Video
V46: Rock The Blues, Video
V47: Rep
Forts 2
Tisdag 18.30-20.00, Instruktör: Kerstin Engblom
Onsdag 18.30-20.00, Instruktör: Linda Lindquist
V 35: Repetition
V36: Waltz away, Video
V37: Quarter After One, Video
V38: Repetition
V39: Chachanela, Video
V40: The Piper, Video
V41: Gemensam dans för alla grupper i Folkets Hus, 14 oktober kl 18-22
V42: Repetition
V43: Get in line, Video
V44: Leaving on Monday, Video
V45: Repetition
V46: Boyfriend, Video
V47: Repetition
Forts 3
Tisdagar 20.00-21.30, Instruktör: Kerstin Engblom
Onsdagar 20.15-21.45, Instruktör: Linda Lindquist
V 35: Amor Pasional, Video
V36: Everything I do, Video
V37: Repetition, Bonus: Moonlight Madness, Video
V38: So Glamorous, Video
V39: Repetition
V40: Fall Apart, Video
V41: Gemensam dans för alla grupper i Folkets Hus, 14 oktober kl 18-22
V42: Dog-Gone Blues, Video, Video
V43: Repetition
V44: Hey Soul Sister, Video
V45: Pack up, Video
V46: Repetition, Bonus: River of Dreams
V47: Repetition
Forts 4
Måndagar kl 19.30-21.30, Instruktör Kjell Magnusson
V 35: Snap Your Fingers, Video. Bonus: Moonlight Madness, Video
V36: Rep.
V37: Rep.
V38: Haunted, Video
V39: Rep.
V40: Nothin' Better, Video
V41: Gemensam dans för alla grupper i Folkets Hus, 14 oktober kl 18-22
V42: Rep.
V43: Drip Droppin, Video
V44: Rep.
V45: So Said Joe, Video
V46: Rep.
V47: Carrickfergus, video
2010 WS
Instruktör: Ilona Lorenz
Kostnad: 50 kr/medl/75 kr icke medlem
Söndag 19 september, 14-17:
Dans 1: Play For Keeps, Video
Dans 2: Fall Apart, Video
Dans 3: Pata Pata, Video
Rep av Hell If I, Everything I Do, Dog-gone Blues, Quarter After One, So Glamorous
Måndagen den 11 oktober, 18.30-21.30:
Dans 1: A Song For You, Video
Dans 2: You're Amazing, Video
Rep av Play For Keeps, Fall Apart och Nothin' Better
Söndagen den 31 oktober, 14.00-17.00
Dans 1: A Walk On The Wild Side, Video
Dans 2: Euro Mess, Video
Rep av A Song For You och You're Amazing
Workshop 2010 VT
Instruktör: Ilona Lorenz
Inga bestämda dagar, förannonseras på första sidan när det blir.
Kostnad: Medlemmar 50 kr/gång, Icke medlemmar 75 kr/gång .
1:a tillfället: Söndagen den 6:e februari,
repetition av danserna de två följande måndagarna mellan kl 18.00-18.30.
Dans 1: Only Girl, video, video
Dans 2: Rolling In The Deep, video
2:a tillfället: Söndagen den 20:e februari,
repetition av danserna de två följande måndagarna mellan kl 18.00-18.30.
Dans 1: Innocent, video
Dans 2: S&M
Extra ws: Söndagen den 3 april,
Moon & Mars, video
3:e tillfället: måndagen 11:e april 18.30 - 21.30, repetition torsdagen den 14:e april 18.30 - 21.30
Dans 1: Gambling Man
Dans 2: Moon & Mars
4:e tillfället: måndagen 18.e april 18.30 - 21.30, repetition onsdagen den 20:e april 18.30 - 21.30
Dans 1: A Perfect Day
Dans 2: Don´t Be A Drag
Kerstin Engblom och Sten Jansson kommer att ha ett antal Nostalgiträffar under våren.
Söndagar jämna veckor under jan-mars kl 14.00 - 17.00
Söndag den 16.1:
*Dangerous Curves, *All The Way, *Fields Of Gold, *Make My Day, *Call Me, *Cherry Poppin, *Crabbuckit, *It's Up To You, *A'int Got No Money, *Imagine, *Until The End, *Snap Happy, *Sha-la-la, *Shoop Shoop , *On The Water, *One More Midnight, * Down On The Corner, *LoverBoy, *Wave On Wave, *River Of Dreams.
Söndag den 30.1:
*I Can't Be Bothered, * Evergreen, *Maybe I Could, * Before The Devil, *Firecracker, *Mariana Mambo, *Sea Salt Sally, *Closer, *Join The Queue, *Amame , *One More Midnight, *Call Me, *It's Up To You, *Shoop Shoop, *On The Water, *Crabbuckit, *Careless Whisper, *Fields Of Gold
Söndag den 13.2:
*Atlantis, *Show Me Yours, *Just A Kiss, *Mariana Mambo, *Runaround Sue, *Hot Potato, *Pretend, *Mysterious Girl, *Not Like That, *Urban Grace, *I ´Can't Be Bothered, *Can't Stop Loving You, *Call Me, *Amame,´*Evergreen, *Firecracker, *Fields Of Gold
Söndag den 27.2:
*Haley's comet, *Betcha Neva, *Show Me What U Got, *Be Strong, *Ashes Of Love, *Shake Up The Party, *Caught In The Act, *Slow Burn, *Doctors Orders, *Is It So, *Rub It In, *Before The Devil, *Atlantis
Söndag den 27.3:
*I said I Love You, *Drizabone, *Nimby, *Turn Me Loose, *My Heart Is Broken Too, *Crazy Foot Mambo, *One Horse Town, *Head Phones, *Mercy, *Derailed, *Rose Garden , *Be Strong, *Ashes Of Love, *Where We've Been, *Just A Kiss.
Onsdag den 13.4:
*Drizabone, *Fields Of Gold, *Be Strong, *Betcha Neva, *Firecracker, *Join The Queue, *Head Phones, *Kill The Spider, *One More Midnight, *Urban Grace, *Show Me Yours, *Until The End, *Hot Potato, *Not Like That + Beer Or Gasoline och A Walk On The Wild Side (ej nostalgi).
Grundkurs intensiv
Intensivkurs för Nybörjare.
Vecka 19-21: Mån och torsdagar 18.30 - 20.00
Instruktörer: Erland Blixt & Ilona Lorenz
Utlärda danser:
Mån 9 maj:
Easy Fun, video
California Freeze, video
Money Money Money, video
Tors 12 maj:
J Ho AB, video
Mamma Maria, video
Mån 16 maj:
Tors 19 maj:
Lindi Shuffle, video
First Cha, video
Mån 23 maj:
1 2 3 Waltz, video
Precious Time, video
HT 2010
Grund dag
Instruktör Erland Blixt
V35: Precious Time, Video
V36: Rep
V37: Mandolins in the Moonlight, Video
V38: The Memory Cha Cha, Video
V39: Rep
V40: Inställt
V41: Purr Kitty
V42: Rep
V43: Ballando
V44: Sky Waltz
V45: Rep
V46: Rep
V47: S.O.T.B
Torsdagar kl 18.30 - 20.00
Instruktör: Ulla Roselin
V35: Easy Fun, Video
California Freeze, Video
Money, Money, Money, Video
V36: Lindi Shuffle, Video
V37: Repetition
V38: Mamma Maria, Video
V39: First Cha, Video
V40: Precious Time, Video
V41: Repetition
V42: 1-2-3 Waltz, Video
V43: Country Walking, Video
V44: Repetition
V45: Like It Rough, Video
V46: Piece Of Cake, Video
V47: Repetition
Tisdag forts dag
Tisdagar kl 14.00 - 15.30
Instruktör: Erland Blixt
V35: Ballando
V36: Rep
V37: Rep
V38: Rep
V39: I Saw Linda Yesterday, Video
V40: Rep
V41:Purr Kitty
V42: Rep
V43: Rep
V44: Sky Waltz
V45: Baby You And I
V46: Rep
V47: S.O.T.B
Forts 1
Tisdagar 18.30 - 20.00
Instruktör: Erland Blixt
V35: Rep
V36: Ballando
V37: Rep
V38: Blue Night Cha, Video / Irish Stew, Video
V39: Rep
V40: Good Daddy Jive, Video
Forts 2 Instruktör Linda Lindquist
onsdagar 18.30-20.00
V35: Sunshine (Roy Verdonk & Darren BAILEY) video2
Caribbean Queen (Raymond Sarlemijn, Henrik Grønvold & Daniel Trepat)
V36: Rep
V37: Same Old Something. (Kate Sala)
V38: Rep
V39: Purr Kitty (Rachael McEnany)bonus dans: Set Fire To The Rain (Bob Francis (UK) Sept 2011)
V40: Rep
V41: Chill Factor (Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead)VIDEO WALKTHROUGH
V42: Rep
V43: Big Jimmy ( Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie)
V44: Rep
V45: Wonderland Waltz ( Rob Fowler)
V46: S.O.T.B (Sex On The Beach) ( Tom Clarke)
V47: Rep
Forts 3
Instruktör Linda Lindquist
onsdagar 20.15-21.45
V35: One in a million (Darren Bailey, Raymond Sarlemijn, Roy Hadishibruto)
The Flute (Maggie Gallagher)
V36: Say Jambo (Robbie McGowan Hickie)
V37: Rep.
V38: Vagabond (Bracken Ellis Potter)Video
V39: Rep + bonus dans: Set Fire To The Rain (Bob Francis (UK) Sept 2011)
V40: Alabama Slammin (Rachael McEnany)
V41: Rep
V42: Let It Be (Rachael McEnany)
V43: Rep + bonus dans: Gambling Man
V44: Sweet Little Dangerous, Video1,
V45: Rep
V46: Party Freak, Video
V47: Rep
Forts 4
Måndagar 18.30 - 20.30
Instruktör: Ilona Lorenz
V 35: Soul Food, Video 1, Video 2
Party Freak, Video
Let It Be, Video
V36: Meant 2 Be, Video
Move A Like, Video
V37: Repetition.
V38: Fundamental Things, Video
V39: Repetition och en liten bonusdans: Set Fire To The Rain, Video
V40: Start Over, Video
V41: The Stomp
V42: Repetition
V43: Without You, Utlärningsvideo, Dansvideo
V44: Rock Your Body, Video
V45: Repetition
V46: If You Walk Away/Born For Leavin
V47: Repetition + Bonusdans: No Llores